Why Platinum Chiropractic takes a structural and holistic health care approach

When we speak of a "healthy" individual, what exactly do we mean?  

Health is a dynamic blend of physical, emotional, and even social harmony.  

At Platinum Chiropractic, we understand this intricate balance and embrace a structural and holistic health care approach, prioritising the comprehensive wellbeing of each individual.  

In this blog, we explore this unique approach and shed light on its benefits compared to conventional healthcare. 


What is structural and holistic health care? 

Our bodies are intricate systems, complexly interconnected and constantly interacting with the environment. Every element of our health matters, which is why embracing methods tailored to address our varied needs is key to our wellbeing.  

1. The Structural Approach 

The Structural Approach is all about understanding the physical and physiological conditions that lead to a person's health concerns. This approach recognises that every individual is unique, and the factors that cause one person to seek help may differ significantly from another. Acute injury, trauma, repetitive stress, lifestyle choices, or even aging can all contribute to these conditions. 

2. The Holistic Approach  

The Holistic Approach, on the other hand, is based on the idea that the human body is not just a collection of parts, but a unified whole. There's no isolation within the body; all systems and processes are interconnected and mutually dependent. This approach takes into account that while a person may present with specific complaints, there could be multiple underlying factors that contribute to these issues. Whether it's dietary choices, stress levels, or exercise habits, these factors can heavily influence an individual's health. 


Why take a structural and holistic approach to health 

The philosophy that guides conventional healthcare often follows the "fix or cure" mindset. However, this perspective sometimes fails to consider the importance of prevention and the role of lifestyle choices in our overall health. While the priority should undoubtedly be to restore the pre-injury or disease status, taking a combined structural and holistic approach seeks to go a step further. 

Health means more than the absence of illness or pain; it is a state of optimal wellbeing. To achieve this, it’s important to recognise taking a proactive approach to health, emphasising lifestyle modifications and preventive strategies alongside treatments to not only heal but also proactively enhance one's wellbeing. 


Overcoming the limitations of other treatments 

The issue with many traditional treatments is the short-term perspective they foster. The common misconception is that if you're not ill or in pain, then you're healthy. However, the absence of illness doesn't necessarily denote health. Chronic diseases and illnesses often have significant lifestyle factors contributing to their onset and progression. 

This viewpoint fails to consider the complexities of health and the myriad of factors that influence it. A comprehensive approach to health doesn't limit its definition to the absence of disease, but actively promotes overall wellbeing. 


Platinum Chiropractic – how we work 

By embracing a structural and holistic approaches to healthcare, the team at Platinum Chiropractic can better enhance your wellbeing.  

As part of our strategy, we prioritise objective measures. Using our Initial Structural Examination, we can utilise measurable, objective indicators to understand the depth of your concerns. This data-driven technique ensures you receive a uniquely tailored care that resonates with your specific needs. 

We strive to empower you with knowledge about your own health. By discussing your test results, charts, and X-ray analysis, we enable you to better understand your health status and encourage your active participation in the care plan. 

The blend of structural and holistic approaches forms the cornerstone of our practice. It paves the way for more than temporary relief from symptoms. It provides a roadmap to improved health. 

By choosing Platinum Chiropractic, you're not merely opting for a healthcare provider; you're selecting a committed partner for your journey towards optimal wellbeing. Get in touch to book an appointment


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